22 May 2006

Part 2 of the Labour Group AGM tonight, where we all jockey for positions on a bunch of council committees that may be abolished by this Wednesday, and (just in case) on a bunch of different council committees that may be created this Wednesday. This all depends on whether we (the Labour Group) decide to support or oppose some rather radical constitutional changes (whose idea of bad-timing was that???); and of course (for almost the first time in living memory) how the opposition parties vote!

I'm not intending to stand as chair of any of the scrutiny committees. But I have received the Labour Group nomination to chair one of the Planning committees. In the past it's all been about persuading (or otherwise nobbling) other Labour Group members who to vote for. (And how many of the 'old' Labour councillors have been scarred by the trauma of getting cornered in that tiny Civic Suite lift, and subjected to the unique canvassing style of a certain ex-councillor "I***"???). Now we'll have to get used to chatting-up the opposition!!! More of a problem for some ideologists than for me, I suspect ;->


At 8:22 pm, July 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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