20 November 2006

A busy Saturday

Saturday (18-Nov) was action-packed, starting with attending the opening of Forest Hill School's new sports centre by Steve Bullock (no doubt some of those potentially cringeworthy photos in which we were posed on bits of gym machinery will find their way into the public domain - despite my warning to avoid "Andrew Brown moments" ;->).

Next I dashed to the AGM of Friends of CyberZone (their website can tell you what it is) in time to get re-elected to their management committee (as a parent/user). I failed (yet again) to get this blog up-to-date on Sunday, as I'd planned, because I spent too much of it putting together some blog and wiki tools for CyberZone to experiment with, because the kids (and most of the adults) involved can't contribute to the website they have.

From there I was stuck in traffic getting from Deptford to Blackheath, and so missed the beginning of the presentation of awards to "looked-after children". But I got there in time for the actual presentations and only missed speeches from Steve and Frankie (the "corporate mummie", as she likes to put it) Sulke. Having adopted two children ourselves (and fostered them for a while in the process) I've learned a bit about the deal some of them get from being in the care of a local authority, and something like this makes up (just a bit) for not having a 'real' mum and dad there to say "well done" when you need it.

In the evening I got to Andrew Brown's pub meeting of Lewisham-based bloggers - an event that deserves much coverage all of its' own. I'm sure one (or all) of them will have got down to that already, must check...


At 4:53 pm, November 28, 2006, Blogger Andrew Brown said...

Nothing wrong with having a few Andrew Brown moments - proves you don't take yourself too seriously!

Glad to hear you got back on the Cyberzone management committee. I really enjoyed my visit there last year and thought the staff were great. I'd love to hear more about how they're using the blog and wiki stuff. I've been trying to get my son's primary school interested (with some success as they were already thinking some good thoughts) and sent them (and Frankie S) this link to a presentation about how a teacher is using Web 2.0 tools in Sydney.

Also delighted to hear that you are taking an active corporate parenting role. I'm afraid too many of your (my) colleagues seem reactive - and relaxed - on this agenda.


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