24 May 2006

Grumpy Old Hacker

A background discussion I've been having with some other 'new' (but not necessarily 'New') Labour councillors, about the IT facilities that the council is providing us, have already convinced me that I'm probably set to be Official Grumpy Old Man - as far as the Lewisham Council IT staff (and those of their erstwhile contractor, Fujitsu) who have to deal with members. I think I may have already mentioned to the Strategic Head of IT (whom I've known for a while now, since he came to us from Lambeth) that I'm adopting a personal policy of Zero Tolerance to Uselessness as far as council IT goes (having put up with enough of it for the previous 8 years I was a member).

Not, definitely not, that I'm suggesting, in any way whatsoever, that there is anything currently less than 100% akin to heavenly perfection, well-oiled efficiency, and state-of-the-art e-Government-ness - about anything to do with the IT infrastructure of Lewisham Council. If, for even a moment, I were to suggest otherwise, I fear I might go the way of poor Tory councillor Taff Davies of Chichester, who's been hauled up before the Standards Board for England, for just such criticism. Silly boy! (The story made 'Rotten Boroughs' in Private Eye too, but I can't find it online).

Cllr Davies has my fullest sympathy, and I must email him my good wishes that he gets exhonorated of the heinous crimes of which he's been accused. Perhaps I'll meet him at the London Connects conference next month!


At 3:27 pm, May 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone needs to do it, and I can see the cap fitting! ;-)

You may find it useful to cultivate Kevin Sheehan on these things as well as Simon B.

One thing to watch out for is when you get "given" your official webspace that officers aren't looking to have editorial control. Last draft of the protocol that I saw Head of Comms was going to have to approve anything councillors wanted to put on the LBL hosted sites. I wasn't keen on that.

Otherwise, things do seem to have improved a bit from when you were last a councillor.

At 12:54 am, July 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

At 8:22 pm, July 19, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.


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