22 June 2006

Remote control

Alesund harbour
Originally uploaded by John Paschoud.
I've been in Alesund, Norway (that "A" should have a little circle over it - but don't get me started on how hard Norwegian is!) all this week, at the annual conference of UNINETT (the Norwegian educational networking agency).

I'm still managing to keep a virtual presence in Perry Vale and Lewisham, though, and I'm making some progress on the issue of councillors being allowed to use casework software on their council-provided PCs; and on our ward advice surgery leaflets; and on a case about clearing up a fly-tip in Hindsley's Place.

Luckily this week hasn't included any v.important council meeting that I would have had to miss (even to mis-credit goals scored - sorry Darren!)

And (of course!) I've been working very hard for the British taxpayer, describing how we're doing national access management infrastructures for education (the Norwegians are doing something parallel). They're also a bit better than Britain at assuming wi-fi should be everywhere (and free in lots of places).


At 3:20 pm, June 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello John, I see from Andrew Milton that the council are not going to let councillors link to their (political) blogs from the councillor pages on the council website.

I know from our conversation yesterday that you've got a number of other battles on, but I wonder whether you'll be making common cause with Andrew, Paul, Hilary, Sue and Simon (and any others that join the fray or who have static political sites like Chris Best) to reverse that particular stupidity?


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