05 July 2006

Bending an ear

Had a great meeting early this morning - Robert Massey, Lewisham Cabinet Member for Children & Young People came to visit the School Council at Perrymount (about time the School Council got its' own bit of the school website...), who've been bending my ear about places to play (not enough of them) around the school and where they live. They kept him talking for about an hour in the school library, and there are 2 or 3 places I need to go and have a look at where something might be done. Now, where can we put a skate-park in Perry Vale, that kids will feel safe in, and the noise won't annoy the neighbours too much???

(There may be a photo of this important summit meeting to come, taken by one of the school staff. But Robert took my advice and didn't get persuaded to pose - unlike one of his predecessors ;->)


At 2:36 pm, July 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, those were the days...

But if you are serious about a new skatepark then perhaps there is another lesson that you ought to take from me (as well as avoiding ill advised photo ops). The skating community get quite hot under the collar about design, as I found out when I stuck a few photos of the one at Ladywell on my old blog.

At 8:59 pm, July 15, 2006, Blogger John said...

Thanks for the tip Andrew. Indeed, I wouldn't know a skate-park from a car-park really, so getting some proper end-user input would be a good idea if one ever happens round here.


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